Monday 17 January 2011

-The Book I've read recently-

終於,看了第一本出自村上春樹(Haruki Murakami )手筆的書 --<< 關於跑步,我說的其實是>>("What I want to talk about when I talk about running")。



"The most important thing we ever learn at school is the fact that the most important things can't be learned at school."

"You cannot please everybody."

"I'm the type of person who doesn't find it painful to be alone. I find spending an hour or two every day running alone, not speaking to anyone, as well as four or five hours alone at my desk, to be neither difficult nor boring. I've had this tendency ever since I was young, when, given a chance, I much preferred reading books on my own or concentrating on listening to music over being with someone else. I could always think of things to do by myself." (打完這句,突然想起村上先生因早睡的習慣而推掉很多夜間約會,惹起不少朋友的不滿)

"I only began to enjoy studying after I got through the educational system and became a so-called member of society.If something interested me, and I could study it at my own pace and approach it the way I liked, I was pretty efficient at acquiring knowledge and skills......It takes a lot of time to acquire a skill this way, and you go through lots of trial and error, but what you learn sticks with you."

"You have to wait until tomorrow to find out what tomorrow will bring."

"If something's worth doing, it's worth giving it your best--or in some cases beyond your best."


  1. 你看得多村上會發現短篇比長篇好看.

    很多朋友讀完英文版以後都說英文版比中版好, 主要是可以「看到更多東西」即是中文版雖譯得好,但是缺少了原著的一些內容.

    要借書可以問我, 我有很多村上的書, 不必在圖書館排隊借 ^_^

  2. 我亦借了兩本村上的短篇小說,但還沒時間看;我之前都在想 也許由短篇開始比較好,起碼先讓我看看自己對村上的寫作有沒有興趣。

